Erin Yurkinas Erin Yurkinas



“Let the beauty we love be what we do.”

The above is a quote by Robert Frost, and it is a quote I live by. We have just taken in a sensational autumn color season. What an experience it is to shuffle through dry leaves, be surrounded by a cathedral of golden color, and witness leaf contrails spiraling down, landing on my palette and easel.

I have been so fortunate to live and experience the grandeur of this beautiful place, do my art, and find my voice. Very few will be able to have an art career; however, everyone can be touched by the arts in one way or another. Being exposed to these elements can make life unique, whether it’s the visual arts, theatre, music, dance, or the performing arts. Participating in the arts at any level helps the person find the uniqueness of their soul. Anyone aware of Claude Monet’s late waterlily paintings cannot help but stop at a lily pond, pause, and look more deeply.

My daughter Allison had a baby girl, Bonnie Zoë, on September 30th, the night of the Harvest Moon. Allison, who is on our nonprofit board, is deeply interested in the programming for the Arts Center and what it means for the Creede children, including Bonnie. She has outlined many programs for children and adults for both locals and visitors. She was born and raised in Creede and has taught art and filmmaking privately and in our school system. She feels strongly that the arts can fill a void in people’s lives.

Allison Quiller & Bonnie Zoë

"What I love about the Creede Center for the Arts is its opportunity to expand arts education in Creede. Look around- there is no reason to be bored here! In a small town saturated with beauty and arts professionals, the youth deserve a plethora of platforms to explore their capabilities. Alongside the Creede Repertory Theatre and others, the Creede Center for the Arts aims to develop programs designed to spark creativity and foster passions. We will offer day camps in subjects like creative writing, fine arts, and robotics; we will have longer, immersive programs in filmmaking or music. For adults, we will have an annual lecture and author series, evening life drawing sessions, and astronomy study. The possibilities are limitless, and I am eager to see how we can enhance the Creede experience for everyone”.

-Allison Quiller

Welcome Jim Stievater to the Board!

Since our last newsletter, we have also welcomed Jim Stievater to the Board of Directors. Jim is a civil engineer and a licensed Professional Engineer. Over the last 15 years Jim and his wife Mai have been coming to Creede to attend painting workshops. 

Jim has already dedicated countless hours to our Building Committee, and we are thrilled to have him on the team helping to bring the Creede Center for the Arts to life!

During this season of gratitude, thank you all for your friendship and interest in our incredible project, the Creede Center for the Arts.

Wishing you and your loved ones a wonderful Thanksgiving,


Stephen Quiller

President | Creede Center for the Arts

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Erin Yurkinas Erin Yurkinas


Dear Friends of the Creede Center for the Arts,

Summer is in full swing here in Creede – and what a tremendously busy season we are having. Among the events, I’m excited to share that we had our first public event introducing the Creede Center for the Arts to our community. On July 24th we invited the Creede community to join us for a presentation revealing building plans, vision, and education programming for the Center. I was beyond overwhelmed with gratitude to see over 75 community members in attendance at The Creede Hotel under the tent – the positive response was incredible!

Allie Quiller presenting the future programming of the Creede Center for the Arts to community members under the tent at The Creede Hotel July 24th 2023. 

My longtime friend, Mandy Patinkin, joined our community event. After our presentation he offered me very special insight and encouragement…

“I kept hearing; Can we afford the first phase, can we afford the second phase, can we afford the parking, can we afford the housing, can we afford this, can we afford that? I kept thinking that given the state of our fragile world and the darkness humanity is experiencing in far too many areas—conflict-climate-political polarization—that we can’t afford not to embrace every possibility of turning darkness into light. One of the great gifts of the arts is just that. So, I felt the first question on the agenda should be “CAN WE AFFORD NOT TO DO THIS?”.

To add more on the good news front—on August 16th the Mineral County Commissioners voted and unanimously stated support of the project with the intent of supplying materials and labor for grading work on the Center's property site. As the Center makes strides it is evident that we are united in the vision of bringing this Center to life within the community, the city, and Mineral County. We are thrilled to have such support.

Go well friends, and if you ever have a question regarding the Center please reach out. My door is always open!


Stephen Quiller | President

Creede Center for the Arts

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Erin Yurkinas Erin Yurkinas

may newsletter

Rosie Mehaffey Memorial Award, 2023 American Watercolor Society's International Exhibition, 

New York City- Fox & Crow, 33" x 24", casein

Dear Friends of the Creede Center for the Arts,

I've been honored with this year's Rosie Mehaffey Memorial Award at the 156th Annual American Watercolor Society's International Exhibition. In late April, I attended the awards ceremony in New York City. Rosie Mehaffey is the late wife of well-known water media painter Mark Mehaffey. I have known them for many years, and it was a tremendous honor to receive this award in her name. 

 At the awards ceremony in New York, I took the opportunity to introduce the Creede Center for the Arts to fellow artists. It was an excellent time to reconnect with friends and update them on the programming we anticipate and the progress we’ve made securing commitments and refining capital plans.

I am excited to share that the Board of Directors unanimously approved a two-phased approach to the project. With this strategy, we can bring this incredible project closer to groundbreaking and tangible realization of our vision. Phase One will include our front two-story building, with regional and local artist gallery, Creative Center (accommodating year-round youth and adult programming), Quiller gallery, multipurpose room, library, gift, and coffee shop. We are currently working with our architect to finalize Phase One budget and ensure readiness for construction.

Photo Above- members of the Creede Center for the Arts Building Committee [left to right: Allie Quiller, Marta Quiller, Steve Quiller] meet with Structural Engineer Steve Horner and Architect Gregory Friesen at B. Public Prefab in Las Vegas, New Mexico. 

We are also thrilled that the Creede City Council unanimously approved the land lease Memorandum of Understanding in March. The enthusiasm of the Council members confirms the support we've had from the community since this vision began to take shape.

With the arrival of spring, we have begun to share our Creede Center for the Arts story in person with friends throughout the United States. Our first event was held in the Dallas home of Board members Shelly and Michael Dee. It was an exceptional evening, with 34 interested collectors and patrons. We are planning other such gatherings in the coming months. If I don’t have a chance to see you at one of our events, I hope to see you in Creede this summer.

It is an exciting time as we witness each step forward, bringing us closer to realizing the Creede Center for the Arts.

Go Well, Friends!


Stephen Quiller

Creede Center for the Arts | President

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Erin Yurkinas Erin Yurkinas


February 2023

Dear Friends of the Creede Center for the Arts,

January revealed itself as one of the chillier months we’ve experienced in a while. The new year prompts us to create resolutions. Nature tells us to slow down, reflect, and gather energy for the coming Spring.

Reflecting guides us to gratitude. We realize without the support of our incredible donors, Board, and staff, the Center would simply remain a dream. Because of you, the Creede Center for the Arts has more life breathed into it every day.

Our hope is that the Creede Center for the Arts will become a powerful part of the future for Creede. We are honored today to introduce you to Tim & Ann Cranor, whose generosity is supporting the launch of this incredible project and whose leadership will add to our ability to realize it.

Tim & Ann Cranor

Ann and I have appreciated and supported the arts since before our marriage. Ann grew up in a family of artists. Both of her parents were artists and Ann graduated with a degree in print making from Kansas State University. While not an artist, I have attempted to fully participate in these efforts.

Creede has been a lifelong home for Ann. She has come to Creede and Spar City every year of her life. I have been coming as well since my first visit in 1963. Both of Ann’s grandparents had cabins at Spar City, and our granddaughter marks the fifth generation to enjoy Creede and the surrounding area.

We have watched Creede evolve from a western mining town into a robust tourist destination, with many artistic magnets. We have been big fans of Steve Quiller since he opened his gallery, and enjoyed Jenny Inge’s Rare Things, along with her personal perspective and support of artists and their creations. We enjoyed eating at the Bristol Inn and now look forward to visits to the various artists that show at Bristol Yarnworks Studio, supported by Terri Inman and Kathy Killip. The Creede Repertory Theatre has been a huge driver of attracting people from all walks of life and geographic locations. It has been a hub for creativity and professional performances for 58 years.

The most recent effort to continue to develop and support the community is the renovation of the Historic Creede Hotel. This renovation has been a huge work-in-progress but will have a positive impact on Creede for years to come. It is truly amazing and inspiring to see how Creede, through the resilience, determination, and creativity of its citizens, has forged a new future for the community and valley. Rather than fold their tent and ride off when the mines closed, they instead persevered and ultimately changed Creede into an arts hub and tourist draw.

Creede Center for the Arts will greatly expand the offerings and opportunities for people of all ages to enjoy, experience and grow through interacting with arts of all mediums and venues. I am proud to now be a member of its Board of Directors. The Center will offer educational opportunities, bring new artists from around the world to Creede and ultimately support the arts—and the community—in ways not currently available. An exciting time for Creede!

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Erin Yurkinas Erin Yurkinas

Autumn Update

Autumn Update

Dear Friends,

October is Arts and Humanities Month, an opportune time to update you on the progress of our future Arts Center.

The Creede Arts Center Board of Directors is working with the City of Creede to secure a site of approximately three acres in the center of town — an ideal location! Working with the city allows our nonprofit to secure public funding in addition to private funding from individuals and foundations. A public-private partnership of this sort is the most effective long-term strategy for the launch and future of the Center.

This month we also welcome Erin Yurkinas as our new Campaign Manager for the Center. Erin has a strong business and development background working with Creede non-profits as both Executive Director of the Creede & Mineral County Chamber of Commerce and Visitor Center, as well as Development Manager for Creede Repertory Theatre. Erin understands the uniqueness of our area and the impact of the arts. We are thrilled to have her join the team.

I’m proud to announce that we’ve received a $500,000 commitment from a donor who prefers to remain anonymous at this time, helping to fund our planning efforts. In addition, we’ve received a $50,000 gift from another private donor, supplementing existing planning grants from the El Pomar Foundation and our local Virginia Christensen Fund.

We continue working with an architect to bring the project design within budget and close to the spirit of Creede in its design. I’m excited that the interior will accommodate both the water media collections we anticipate, especially mine, and community education and engagement activities. A gift shop, children's center, library, and research area, along with a multipurpose room that can be used for workshops, film, concerts, and community gatherings should round out the plan.

As I think about Arts and Humanities Month—and the importance of partnerships among citizens and public officials to sustain the arts—I recall my meeting with former Governor John Hickenlooper. As we stood in his office admiring the twenty paintings of mine that hung in the state capital, he talked about his belief in the future of mountain towns. It relied, he said, on the combination of outdoor recreation, creativity (including food and chefs) and the arts. I couldn’t agree more.


Stephen Quiller

President | Creede Center for the Arts

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Erin Yurkinas Erin Yurkinas

Season of Gratitude

Season of Gratitude


Melding art and nature, Fox & Crow, Stained Glass, is inspired by my experiences cross-country skiing in the high country at twilight. Alpenglow radiates from the La Garita mountains, shimmering like stained glass through the dark silhouetted trees of the forest.

Dear Friends,

For over thirty years, I have dreamed of the Creede Center for the Arts.

I not only envision a place to display my paintings, but a space that welcomes and engages our community by hosting events and providing art education for all ages.

I am especially grateful for our Board of Directors, whose commitment moves my dream closer to reality. This board is comprised of individuals who are passionate, experienced, and armed with the necessary skills to help bring the Creede Center for the Arts to life.

As our board grows and our work evolves, I remain grateful to these founders who started the journey with me.

For those that have given, and to those who give through interest and love, I’m beyond thankful.

Wishing you and your loved ones a Happy Thanksgiving,

Stephen Quiller

President | Creede Center for the Arts

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