Dear Friends of the Creede Center for the Arts,

Summer is in full swing here in Creede – and what a tremendously busy season we are having. Among the events, I’m excited to share that we had our first public event introducing the Creede Center for the Arts to our community. On July 24th we invited the Creede community to join us for a presentation revealing building plans, vision, and education programming for the Center. I was beyond overwhelmed with gratitude to see over 75 community members in attendance at The Creede Hotel under the tent – the positive response was incredible!

Allie Quiller presenting the future programming of the Creede Center for the Arts to community members under the tent at The Creede Hotel July 24th 2023. 

My longtime friend, Mandy Patinkin, joined our community event. After our presentation he offered me very special insight and encouragement…

“I kept hearing; Can we afford the first phase, can we afford the second phase, can we afford the parking, can we afford the housing, can we afford this, can we afford that? I kept thinking that given the state of our fragile world and the darkness humanity is experiencing in far too many areas—conflict-climate-political polarization—that we can’t afford not to embrace every possibility of turning darkness into light. One of the great gifts of the arts is just that. So, I felt the first question on the agenda should be “CAN WE AFFORD NOT TO DO THIS?”.

To add more on the good news front—on August 16th the Mineral County Commissioners voted and unanimously stated support of the project with the intent of supplying materials and labor for grading work on the Center's property site. As the Center makes strides it is evident that we are united in the vision of bringing this Center to life within the community, the city, and Mineral County. We are thrilled to have such support.

Go well friends, and if you ever have a question regarding the Center please reach out. My door is always open!


Stephen Quiller | President

Creede Center for the Arts




may newsletter