
Stephen Quiller

Stephen Quiller first came to Creede in 1968 after graduating from Colorado State University with a Bachelor of Fine Arts, and Art Education. At that time, it was an active mining town, but the downtown was empty with very little tourism or other activity. He taught art in the secondary schools in Oregon for three years while spending summers in Creede, where he opened an art gallery in one of the vacant downtown buildings. The gallery first opened in 1970 and in the fall of 1972, Stephen moved to Creede full-time to paint. 2020 marks the 50th year of the gallery and his tenure in Creede. He has been an active member of the community, working with the schools, helping develop the chamber of commerce, teaching workshops, creating annual events for the community, helping found the Creede Arts Council, coaching and raising a family. He teaches three fine art painting workshops annually in the Creede area. These workshops attract painters from all over the world. Living in this beautiful remote mountain region has helped him to develop a unique and distinctive style of painting.

In the past 50 years he has developed an international reputation for his water media paintings. He has written seven best-selling books on the subjects of color and water media. He has received many awards and recognition, including the Gold and Silver Medals of Honor at the American Watercolor Society’s International Exhibitions in 2014 and 2018. He has conducted workshops throughout the United States and internationally including Ireland, Scotland, England, France, Belgium, Italy, Canada and Costa Rica.

See select watercolor portfolio below.